Join us this Sunday


We’d love to have you come and join us this Sunday.

What to expect? Singing, children’s talk, Bible reading and prayer. Lots of ages, backgrounds and cultures. No dress code!



A more informal meeting than the morning service with singing, Bible reading and prayer. The chance for open discussion and asking questions.



Croeso i wefan Capel Y Bedyddwyr Ebenezer Yr Wyddgrug!


Messy Church

2nd Sunday of the month at 4pm

Craft, games, a short all age service, and food for the kids.


Coffee Morning

We meet at 10.30am most Tuesdays morning for coffee and chat. We also have a ‘thought for the day’ from a guest speaker each week which is linked to the Bible .


Play Corner

Thursdays 9.15 - 11.15 (Term Time only)

Playcorner is a warm and friendly toddler group for our community.

Stay and play, do craft, make friends, sing songs and hear a bible story.


Latest Sermon

9 February 2025

Please click “resources” and then “Eb on the Web” for our latest service on YouTube

Matthew 28:18-20

Ben Midgley

Map of Locations;?>